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Best yoga poses for back pain

Back pain has quickly become one of the most common health issues in recent times. Bad posture, staying seated for long hours, and many other lifestyle aspects have contributed to this spike. 

If you are also struggling with constant back pain, then yoga might offer just the perfect solution here. Yoga has for a long time, been a mind-body therapy that has become a strong recommendation for taking care of not just your back pain but also the associated mental stress that comes with it. 

Practicing the right yoga stretches for the lower back can help you not just relax, but also increase the core strength of your body. When we talk about the mind-body connection, indulging in yoga for even just a few minutes each day can make you more aware of your body functioning. This helps in understanding your areas of tension and other imbalances. 

This understanding can also contribute to bringing your body into proper balance and getting its proper alignment

Yoga Poses to Ease Back Pain

Have a look at some of the most recommended Best type of yoga for back pain poses to bring you relief

1. The Cat-Cow Pose

a women doing cat cow pose on a yoga mat

This pose has gentle and easy back stretches to work on your spine and initiate its movement. Practicing this yoga pose also allows you to stretch your torso, neck, and shoulders.

The cat-cow pose also allows you to work the following muscles:

  • Triceps
  • Rectus abdominis
  • Erector spinae
  • Gluteus maximus

2. Downward-Facing Dog

a women doing downward facing dog in open beach

More commonly referred to as the forward bend, this traditional yoga back poses can help you relax and get rejuvenated. It is also the most effective in taking care of your sciatica and easing back pain. It helps in sorting out the imbalances in your body and improves its strength.

The downward-facing dog uses the following muscles:

  • Deltoids
  • Hamstrings
  • Triceps
  • Quadriceps
  • Gluteus maximus

3. The Extended Triangle Pose

One of the classic standard standing poses, the extended triangle pose helps in taking care of issues like sciatica, backache, and neck pain. The pose also contributes to relieving stress and anxiety. 

This pose involves the following muscles during its practice:

  • Gluteus maximus and medius
  • Hamstrings
  • Quadriceps
  • Internal oblique
  • Latissimus dorsi

4. The Sphinx Pose

a young women doing the sphnix pose

Again a backbend pose after cat-cow, the sphinx pose boosts the strength in your back as well as buttocks. It allows you to stretch your body areas such as your shoulders, chest, and abdomen, while also relieving stress.

The sphinx pose helps you to work the following muscles:

  • Trapezius
  • Latissimus dorsi
  • Erector spinae
  • Gluteal muscles
  • Pectoralis major

5. The Cobra Pose

a women doing the cobra pose in a dark room

The cobra pose backbend helps you stretch your chest, abdomen, and shoulders. This pose offers strength to your spine and also brings relief from sciatica. The pose is also very effective in alleviating stress and tiredness that comes with back pain. 

The muscles working in the cobra pose are:

  • Deltoids
  • Triceps
  • Serratus anterior
  • Hamstrings
  • Gluteus maximus

6. The Locust Pose

a women doin the locust pose on a white room

When it comes to offering relief from lower back pain and fatigue, the locust pose is one of the most effective poses. It provides strength to your torso, back, arms, and legs. 

While doing a locust pose, the following muscles are worked:

  • Trapezius
  • Erector spinae
  • Triceps
  • Gluteus maximus

7. The Bridge Pose

a women doin bridge pose

A combination of backbend and inversion, the bridge pose can be restorative or stimulating, depending on the use case. It offers a proper stretch to your spine and also provides relief to severe backaches and headaches. 

In doing a bridge pose, there are a few muscles which work:

  • Gluteus muscles
  • Hamstrings
  • Erector spinae
  • Rectus and transverse abdominis

8. Half Lord of the Fishes Pose

a women doin half lord of the fishes pose on a woden floor p

This is a twisting pose that brings a lot of energy to your spine and helps in relieving backache. It stretches your shoulders, hips, and neck. Alleviating fatigue and stimulating your internal body parts are a couple of functions it offers help, over some time. 

The half lord of the fishes pose offers help to the following muscles:

  • Serratus anterior
  • Rhomboids
  • Psoas
  • Pectoralis major
  • Erector spinae

9. Two-Knee Spinal Twist Pose

A restorative twist by nature, the two-knee spinal twist increases mobility and movement in the spine and back. Practicing this pose every day can help in providing relief from stiffness and pain in your back.

The muscles worked in this pose are:

  • Rectus abdominis
  • Trapezius
  • Pectoralis major
  • Erector spinae

10. The Child’s Pose

This gentle forward fold is a great pose to release the tension and relax your neck and back, lengthening and stretching your back to great effect. The child’s pose also helps in stretching your thighs, hips, neck, and back to release stress and fatigue. 

The child’s pose helps in working the following muscles:

  • Rotator cuff muscles
  • Spinal extensors
  • Hamstrings
  • Gluteus maximus

Do These Poses Really Work?

There have been multiple studies that have assessed the effects of yoga practice and therapy over the course of time, to discover that patients with chronic back pain showed a lot of improvement in limiting the pain and activity, reducing the likelihood of using medications to get relief from their pain.


While studies have shown that yoga does offer benefits from back pain, it might not be a suitable option for everyone. Please make sure that you have a consultation with your doctor before heading for any new regime, including yoga. It will help in identifying possible risks and keep a track of your progress. 

In the heart of Camden, Yoga Base has been doing a great job in building a community of people looking to experience yoga and avail its benefits. If you are located nearby and want a routine to ease your back pain, click here.